It's no surprise that customer experience is so Job Function Email Database high on the agenda 86% of customers are willing to pay more for a better experience. And companies with $1 billion in annual revenue can expect an average of $700 million in Job Function Email Database additional revenue in three years when they invest in improving the customer experience. That's a 70% increase in 36 months! Companies that implement a successful CX Job Function Email Database strategy have more satisfied customers, less churn, and more revenue. In this article, I'll share 7 steps on how to build a great customer experience improvement strategy.
Chart with the 'most exciting Job Function Email Database business opportunities' with CX at number. The 2020 Digital Marketing Trends Report from Econsultancy and Adobe. Just as a refresher: what exactly is 'customer experience'? By customer experience, customer experience, and CX we mean the interactions and experiences that your customers have with your company during the Job Function Email Database entire customer journey. From the first contact to becoming a satisfied and loyal customer. CX is an essential part of Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Why is this so important? Because a customer who has a positive experience with a company is more likely to become a Job Function Email Database loyal customer.
In fact, according to a global customer Job Function Email Database experience study conducted by Oracle, 74% of senior management believe that the customer's experience influences the customer's willingness to become a loyal "ambassador". So if you want your customers to stay loyal, you need to invest in their experience! Customer Job Function Email Database experience and loyalty research figures in a graph. Wait a minute, isn't customer experience just the same as customer service? No, and I'm happy to explain why. In most cases, a Job Function Email Database customer's first contact with a company is an interaction with an employee (by visiting a store or by making a phone call). This gives your business the ability to provide excellent customer service.